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- Two stones in the right kidney, two in the left - A rare condition affecting only 10 in 100,000 children - First case of its kind reported in Andhra Pradesh - Urine blocked due to large stones - Stones removed using endoscopic procedure by Kurnool KIMS doctors Pediatric organs,


35,000 doctors from across India pledged their support for the initiative to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases. The human heart sculpted from a Rose quartz symbolizing the heart chakra stood 8 feet tall and weighed 3.5 tons. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Glenmark), a research-led, global pharmaceuticals


KIMS hospital Kurnool- pioneer in transplant program in Rayalaseema region Details shared by Dr K Anantha Rao, Nephrologist, KIMS Hospital, Kurnool. Kidney transplant is the best option in patients suffering from kidney failure. There are mainly two kinds of kidney donors – Living and Cadaver. Living donor


Publishes Nature, the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal   A recent study published in scientific reports in the journal Nature finds that there is no link between the use of ranitidine and cancer risk. Ranitidine is used to treat and prevent gastric ulcers. The recent study evaluated the