Challenge aimed at finding health-tech solutions for bridging the gap in management of women’s health and mental health Inviting start-ups and innovators from across India. Deadline for the entries is July 21st Medix Global, a pioneering healthcare management company, today announced the launch of the
Aditya BirlaDavid Zeltserdigital healthGlobal Medical Directorhealth-techhealthcareMedix GlobalMental HealthMr. Ajay NanavatiMr. Naveen TehilyaniMr. Sanjay KediaMr. Yaron DanielyMrs. Neerja BirlaMrs. Sigal AtzmonMs. Anat Bernstein ReichMs. Bala DeshpandeMs. SudhaphysicalSeema ChaturvediTata AIAtelemedicineWomen’s Health