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Early detection of heart problems through ECG Proper diagnosis can help prevent heart attacks Senior doctors share insights with young medical professionals Day-long ECG workshop at Aster Prime Hospital Heart attacks are becoming increasingly common among both men and women, even at a young age, leading to tragic fatalities.


The roadshows aimed at training more Indian surgeons in innovative robotic techniques for hernia surgery and safer cholecystectomy approaches, enhancing patient outcomes. The training was done using one of the latest robotic-assisted surgery technologies, the da Vinci Xi system. Intuitive, a global leader in minimally


The Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society (TSCS) and Marham have conducted a one-of-its-kind support and screening symposium on thalassemia today at Hotel Marigold. The event was aimed to raise awareness about thalassemia, a critical issue affecting countless families worldwide, and emphasized the significance of prevention


A part of Badlaav Campaign that aims to bring holistic health awareness in Indian women, especially anaemia prevention & will cover 5 states & over 20 cities of India The ongoing ‘Nari Swasthya Janandolan Yatra – Anaemia National Ride’ organised by the Federation of Obstetrics and