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AIRA Matrix, a leader in Artificial Intelligence-based products and services for image and data analysis in the Life Sciences industry, announces their selection in ‘Cohort 3’ of GE Healthcare India Edison Accelerator Programme. This will enable AIRA Matrix to help build and scale up technologies for some


The journal Carcinogenesis, in the UK, just published a study that identifies more evidence to show that cancer patients who consumed peanuts regularly were likely to suffer metastasis. Researchers from the University of Liverpool demonstrated that peanut agglutinin, a carbohydrate binding protein, comes into the bloodstream


A recent study in the Lancet Journal proposes that the risk of heart-attack and stroke is three-times more probable in the two-weeks following a Covid infection. A control group of 348,481 patients were studied in Sweden and the occurrence of myocardial infraction or heart-attack, and