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33% of Healthcare SMEs Tap Big Data for Diagnostic Breakthroughs – TTBS Study

India’s healthcare sector is undergoing a surge in digital transformation, driven by a strong digital infrastructure and a growing economy. According to the latest ‘SME Digital Insights’ study by Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) in

India’s healthcare sector is undergoing a surge in digital transformation, driven by a strong digital infrastructure and a growing economy. According to the latest ‘SME Digital Insights’ study by Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) in collaboration with Cyber Media Research (CMR),  33% of healthcare SMEs recognize the potential of big data analytics to enhance diagnostics, while 31% see artificial intelligence (AI) as a valuable tool for streamlining operations and accelerating drug discovery. Additionally, 40% of surveyed healthcare SMEs believe that cloud adoption will boost security compliance.

At the heart of this transformation is cloud technology, which is enabling healthcare and pharmaceutical SMEs to navigate and excel in an ever-evolving landscape. The cloud is proving to be a pivotal tool for these businesses, helping them enhance efficiency, optimize costs, and secure sensitive data.

TTBS is playing a vital role in driving digital transformation across the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors by delivering innovative cloud and collaborative solutions that help clients overcome operational challenges and achieve growth.

For instance, a fast-growing diagnostic and precision medicine company needed a secure, private network to link its dispersed branches. TTBS provided an MPLS-based Smart VPN, creating an integrated grid with seamless connectivity between the hub and spoke locations, supported by an active dual last mile using TTBS’ Smart Internet leased line connectivity.

Similarly, a pharmaceutical company with 11 locations in India and an office in Germany required a scalable and secure solution to connect all locations. TTBS implemented an MPLS Hub and Spoke topology with centralized internet management at the data centre, ensuring secure and efficient communication across all branches.

Cloud adoption is reshaping healthcare SMEs by offering improved efficiency, streamlined workflows, automated tasks, and centralized data management—allowing these businesses to focus more on research and patient care. Cloud solutions also optimize costs by eliminating upfront hardware expenses and reducing ongoing maintenance, while bolstering data security.

By embracing cloud technology and partnering with trusted advisors like TTBS, healthcare SMEs can unlock new opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and patient-centric care. This shift positions them for long-term success in the dynamic healthcare landscape.


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