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Aakash Healthcare Launches Mega Health Camp to Bridge the Gap in Quality Healthcare Access

Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty Hospital announces the launch of its Mega Health Camp, aimed at providing vital healthcare services to those who struggle with expensive hospital fees and treatments. The camp will take place on

Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty Hospital announces the launch of its Mega Health Camp, aimed at providing vital healthcare services to those who struggle with expensive hospital fees and treatments. The camp will take place on Sunday, August 4, 2024, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Ground Floor, OPD Area, with a nominal fee. Attendees will have access to a range of services, including blood tests, ECG and BP monitoring, PFT, bone density tests, X-rays of joints, eye screening and refraction, neuropathy screening tests, CBC, uric acid tests, blood sugar tests, HbA1c, fasting, and thyroid profile tests.

As part of its commitment to community welfare, Aakash Healthcare is delighted to offer 20 percent discount on prescribed laboratory & radiology investigations, aiming to bridge the gap in healthcare access and improve the well-being of the community.
The main objective behind these camps is to help people in areas where quality healthcare is not accessible due to costs and other barriers. Many individuals in underserved areas struggle to receive the medical care they need, either because it’s too expensive or simply unavailable. Aakash Healthcare’s Mega Health Camp aims to change that by offering essential medical services to those who need them most.

Dr. Aashish Chaudhry, Managing Director of Aakash Healthcare, shared, “Our goal with the Mega Health Camp is to make healthcare accessible and affordable for everyone. We believe that everyone deserves the right to quality healthcare, and through these camps, we aim to remove the barriers that prevent people from getting the medical attention they need.”

The Mega Health Camp also focuses on promoting preventive healthcare. Attendees will receive information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, and early detection of common health conditions. By educating the community, Aakash Healthcare hopes to improve long-term health outcomes and reduce preventable diseases. The Mega Health Camp presents an invaluable opportunity for individuals to prioritize their health without financial barriers. Team Aakash encourages individuals to take advantage of this initiative and join them on August 4th, 2024, to prioritize their health and well-being.



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