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Accident victim from Singrauli Coal Field gets a new lease of life at Asian hospital

AIMS Faridabad successfully treated an airlifted accident victim with severe rib, spine, and collarbone fractures after a truck collision Doctors at Faridabad hospital successfully treated a near fatal accident victim who was critically injured in an

AIMS Faridabad successfully treated an airlifted accident victim with severe rib, spine, and collarbone fractures after a truck collision

Doctors at Faridabad hospital successfully treated a near fatal accident victim who was critically injured in an accident on June 28 and airlifted from Jabalpur.
Mr. Nagendra Prasad Tiwari, a driver from Northern Coal Field, Singrauli had a serious collision while working in the coal field from an oncoming truck and suffered severe injuries, including multiple fractures in his ribs, spine, and collarbone. He was immediately taken to a local hospital where he received primary treatment. The patient was on ventilator support while he was airlifted to Asian Hospital, Faridabad on 3rd July. The emergency team at Asian headed by Dr. Satish went into action and stablised the patient and transferred him to intensive care.
In the intensive care, Sharing insights on the critical case, Dr. Ajit Thakur, Head of Critical Care added: “This patient arrived with multiple rib fractures on both sides, multiple vertebral fractures, Collar bone fracture, and unstable breathing. Additionally, he was in shock and also had urine infection. The initial plan was to stabilize him, to proceed with surgery for his several fractures, and gradually remove the ventilator”. Despite experiencing ICU psychosis, his condition improved significantly, and he recovered without complications. “
Dr. Mukesh Pandey, Associate Director and Head of Neurosurgery, expressed deep gratitude for the team’s collaborative efforts: “The patient suffered spinal vertebrae fractures in the 7th and 8th positions which were exerting pressure on the cord beneath. Our dedicated multidisciplinary team worked tirelessly, step by step, to stabilize and treat him. We performed surgery to insert a plate and screws to fix the vertebrae and relieve the pressure on the cord. ”
Highlighting the challenges faced, Dr. Ved Prakash, Chairman- General, Minimal Invasive, Bariatric & Robotic Surgery said, “The patient had multiple rib fractures and was in a very serious condition. We had to carefully adjust the ventilator settings to prevent further lung damage. It was a demanding task, but our team managed it excellently. To keep his chest decompressed, we placed tubes in his chest cavity and monitored him continuously.”
Speaking on the challenging case, Dr. N K Pandey,Chairman & Managing Director, Asian Hospital said, “Our dedicated team, including Dr. Mukesh Pandey, Dr. Ved Prakash, Dr. Sunil Chaudhary, and Dr. Ajit Thakur & Dr. Prashant Bhatia from Critical Care, took immediate action to address his complex needs. After 20 days of intensive care, the patient is now walking and preparing to return to his hometown—a true testament to the skill and dedication of our medical staff.”
Expressing gratitude to Team Asian for his father’s swift recovery, Mr. Tiwari’s son remarked, “When we arrived at Asian, my father was in a critical state, and we had little hope that he would survive. However, the medical team acted promptly and delivered exceptional care. Their dedicated efforts led to my father’s rapid recovery, and he is now able to walk again.”


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