A Woman Regains Her Original Voice After 2 Years For The First Time In Navi Mumbai
Laryngeal EMG Guided Botox Treatment Provides Relief To A Woman With Neurological Vocal Disorder Causing Impaired Speech And Vocal Quality ~The patient was detected with a condition called Spasmodic dysphonia. The personalized nature of EMG-guided Botox treatment enables

Laryngeal EMG Guided Botox Treatment Provides Relief To A Woman With Neurological Vocal Disorder Causing Impaired Speech And Vocal Quality
~The patient was detected with a condition called Spasmodic dysphonia. The personalized nature of EMG-guided Botox treatment enables one to tailor each injection session to the specific needs of the individual patient~
In a rare feat, a team led by Dr Farha Naaz Kazi, a leading laryngologist at Medicover Hospitals in Navi Mumbai, successfully treated a 48-year-old woman with Spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological vocal disorder causing involuntary spasms in the larynx muscles and impaired speech, to regain her original voice after 2 years.
Patient Gouri Verma (Name Changed), * a homemaker from Navi Mumbai started noticing changes in her voice 2 years ago. She had difficulty voicing clearly with voice strain to complete a sentence. She consulted multiple doctors who couldn’t solve her problem. Ultimately, her voice quality worsened over time. 2 months ago, the patient approached Medicover Hospital for treatment and regained her voice like before.
Dr Farha Naaz Kazi, a leading laryngologist at Medicover Hospitals in Navi Mumbai, said, “On arrival, in November 2023, the patient could not complete a sentence. A stroboscopy study performed revealed Spasmodic dysphonia which is a neurological vocal disorder that causes involuntary spasms in the muscles of the larynx, leading to impaired speech and vocal quality. For many years, patients with this condition have struggled to find effective treatment options. A recent advancement in the form of laryngeal EMG-guided Botox treatment has been providing significant relief for patients suffering from spasmodic dysphonia. Botox injections have long been used for the treatment of muscular spasms and wrinkles. However, the effectiveness of this treatment has been noted in the field of laryngology.”
Dr Farha added, “Medicover Hospital is the only center doing laryngeal EMG and Botox in Navi Mumbai as of now. With laryngeal EMG-guided Botox treatment, a small electrode is used to measure and record the electrical activity in the muscles of the larynx. This information is then used to locate the overactive muscles causing the spasms precisely. By targeting these specific muscles with Botox injections, the treatment can be much more effective in improving vocal symptoms and reducing spasms. This innovative approach allows us to directly target the muscles causing the vocal spasms, leading to improved vocal quality and speech for patients with spasmodic dysphonia. It offers a more accurate and personalized treatment option compared to traditional methods. She had been given 1 injection but she will require dosing every 6 months. During follow-up after 10 days, she was pleased to talk in her normal voice after so long.”
The personalized nature of EMG-guided Botox treatment enables healthcare professionals to tailor each injection session to the specific needs of the individual patient. This customized approach ensures that patients receive optimal doses in precise locations, leading to improved voice quality and longer-lasting results. As a result, many spasmodic dysphonia sufferers are experiencing newfound freedom and confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.
“I never imagined that this novel procedure at Medicover Hospital would have such a profound impact on my life. After struggling to speak for two years due to muscle spasms, the EMG-guided Botox treatment not only restored my ability to communicate but also gave me back my confidence. The skilled team at Medicover Hospital was not just focused on treating the symptoms, but they took the time to understand the root cause of my condition, providing personalized care that went beyond my expectations. The use of EMG-guided Botox treatment is a game-changer in the field of medical technology, and I am grateful for how it has transformed my life. This journey has taught me that regaining one’s voice goes beyond just physical healing as it revitalizes one’s spirit and outlook on life,” said the patient Gouri Verma (Name Changed)