Anesthetic Considerations in Orthopedic Surgery
Anesthetic management of orthopedic patients could vary from normal routine management to more challenging critical management depending on the state in which the patient is presented. Orthopedic surgery challenges the anesthesia provider. The comorbidities of

Anesthetic management of orthopedic patients could vary from normal routine management to more challenging critical management depending on the state in which the patient is presented. Orthopedic surgery challenges the anesthesia provider. The comorbidities of these patients vary widely based on age group. Patients may present as neonates with congenital limb deformities, as teenagers with sports-related injuries, as adults for procedures ranging from excision of minor soft-tissue mass to joint replacement, or at any age with bone cancer.
Patients with long bone fractures are predisposed to fat embolism syndrome. Patients are at increased risk for venous thromboembolism following pelvic, hip, and knee operations. Use of bone cement during arthroplasties can cause hemodynamic instability. Limb tourniquets limit blood loss but introduce additional risks.
Neuraxial and other regional anesthetic techniques play an important role in decreasing the incidence of perioperative thromboembolic complications, providing postoperative analgesia, and facilitating early.
To know more on same regards,
Please join our Live webinar on the topic “Anesthetic Considerations in Orthopedic Surgery”
Dr. Archana S Mhatre
Dr. Anuradha Malliwal
Date: 19th Feb 2021
Time: 5PM to 7PM
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