Clove Dental launches Students’ Dental Plan to spread smiles and bring confidence amongst students for their new beginning
A first-of-its-kind dental plan specially curated for the students passing out the board exams Clove Dental, the largest network of dental clinics in India, is elated to announce its latest ‘Student Dental Plan’, specifically curated for

A first-of-its-kind dental plan specially curated for the students passing out the board exams
Clove Dental, the largest network of dental clinics in India, is elated to announce its latest ‘Student Dental Plan’, specifically curated for students who have successfully cleared their 10th or 12th Boards exams. The importance of enhancing personality becomes crucial for students as they enter a new phase in their life. At this stage of life, wearing a beautiful smile becomes the most important element. Prioritizing this aspect of every student’s life, Clove has structured this special ‘Students’ Dental Plan’ as the brand always does for a specific group of audiences.
The special ‘Students’ Dental Plan’ has been formulated to spread awareness around the importance of dental health among the younger generations and to enhance their ‘personalities’. The plan is curated keeping in mind the pocket allowance of an average teenage student. Students can buy the plan at just Rs.499/- which is less than the cost of a “good cup of coffee.” This plan is valid for one year from the date of purchase. To avail, students will have to just visit the nearest Clove dental clinic with their 10th or 12th Marksheets.
On launching the latest ‘Students’ Dental Plan’, Lt Gen Dr. Vimal Arora, Chief Clinical Officer at Clove Dental said, “Oral Health in our country has not enjoyed the same priority as in other developed countries and the awareness about the preventive aspects as well as information on various treatment modalities is minimal. The ‘Students’ Dental Plan’ is an effort in this direction to ensure that our young generation takes measures and maintains excellent oral hygiene and also gives them information on the most recent trends in dentistry.”