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Fischer Medical Ventures Ltd Collaborate with Tech Avant-Garde to Enhance Health Programs in Indian Educational Institutions

Fischer Medical Ventures Ltd. (Fischer MV), a pioneering force in the healthcare industry, has  signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Tech Avant-Garde (TAG), an innovative  educational solutions provider, to implement comprehensive health programs in educational 

Fischer Medical Ventures Ltd. (Fischer MV), a pioneering force in the healthcare industry, has  signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Tech Avant-Garde (TAG), an innovative  educational solutions provider, to implement comprehensive health programs in educational  institutions across India. This strategic partnership aims to drive holistic healthcare of students  and their connected communities to enable healthier and more conducive learning  environment.

Fischer MV (formerly known as Fischer Chemic Ltd) is dedicated to transform the healthcare  landscape through advanced, affordable, and accessible medical diagnostic and imaging  technologies, by leveraging cutting-edge innovations and AI-powered software solutions in  healthcare. As the first company to indigenously manufacture high-quality Magnetic  Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems in India and owning a diverse portfolio of breakthrough  diagnostic solutions, expanding into children healthcare with TAG fits their mission to support  India’s education system by promoting long-term health awareness and preventive care for a  healthier youth generation.

TAG is an innovative educational solution provider that offers a range of programs designed  to enhance digital literacy, skill development, financial digital literacy, and health awareness  among students. Being India’s largest solution provider in the education segment supporting  all genre of institutes ranging from K-12 schools to universities, TAG is also a part of the  accelerator program of Microsoft; certified as a Global Trainer for Microsoft in Education, and award winner for the Best Worldwide Training Partner of Microsoft Asia region. Renowned  for its extensive work since 2013 equipping Indian students with the necessary skills and  knowledge to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world, TAG now expands into student’s  healthcare by integrating comprehensive health initiatives offered by Fischer MV into their

hybrid education program (called Carte Blanche), to benefit millions of students and their  connected communities.

Fischer MV-TAG collaboration in India will start with screening students through Fischer MV’s Flynn Health Kiosk, a health screening machine that conducts a  comprehensive diagnostic of over 60 clinical vital signs parameters within minutes. Eye  health, audiology, oral health, mental health, lung & respiratory health checks which are  important aspects for students will also be implemented in phases. In parallel, adolescent  girls and women’s health will be added to provide a holistic view of each student’s health  status every quarterly. Fischer MV-TAG program will also extend beyond students to  rope in their parents, teachers, and school communities to achieve the combined mission  to foster a healthy connected learning community.

As of 2022, India has around 1.4 million schools, one of the largest in the world (https://  www.statista.com/statistics). Student enrolment in 2021-22 was reported to be over 265 million (https://educationforallinindia.com). However, a significant number of students suffer  from some health conditions that could hinder their education path. A comprehensive health  management program such as Fischer MV-TAG can help by promoting regular health  screenings in schools for preventive health care among students and the surrounding  community.

Fischer MV is elated with the collaboration with TAG to implement their proprietary Flynn  Care HealthCare Integrated Platform to start screening Indian young population’s vital health parameters to ensure issues that can hinder their studies can be spotted early. This initiative  underscores the critical role of health in education, as healthier students are more likely to  achieve academic success and participate fully in school activities. By managing the health  aspects of students and the surrounding community, Fischer MV can help to create a healthier,  more supportive educational environment in India.

Fischer MV- TAG collaboration is poised to set a new standard in student health management,  combining innovative healthcare technology with comprehensive and hybrid educational  programs, to ensure every student could succeed academically and thrive healthily. This  initiative will not only improve individual health outcomes but also contribute to the broader  goal of enhancing public health infrastructure in India.


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