HCG Manavata Cancer Centre Successfully Treats Over 25,000 Patients
HCG Manavata Cancer Centre is proud to announce that its Radiation Oncology Department has successfully treated over 25,000 patients. The department is equipped with advanced technology in the field of radiation oncology, which supports cancer

HCG Manavata Cancer Centre is proud to announce that its Radiation Oncology Department has successfully treated over 25,000 patients. The department is equipped with advanced technology in the field of radiation oncology, which supports cancer treatments that lead to improved outcomes. Patients at Manavata Cancer Centre receive treatment through a range of innovative methods such as Tomo-Therapy, Image-guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), VMAT, and more.
Dr. Raj Nagarkar, MD & Chief of Surgical Oncology and Robotic Services, HCG Manavata Cancer Centre, spoke on the success of the department, saying, “The radiation oncology department plays a very critical role in providing state-of-the-art cancer treatment leading to positive outcomes and added advantages like fewer complications, reduced hospitalizations, and lesser treatment time. Our department offers disruptive facilities such as Deep Inspiratory Breath Hold Technique (DIBH), ABC (Active Breathing Coordination) which are newer practices in oncology and with the best oncologists in the country leading the department, we are excited to see what the future holds for us.