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Mrs Sayali Sathe- Gogate Lactation Counsellor Consultant Nutritionist, Jupiter Hospital, Pune

World breastfeeding week 2024 World breastfeeding week is celebrated annually from 1st to 7 th August. Theme for this year is “ closing the gap: breastfeeding support for all”. This states that to raise awareness about breastfeeding

World breastfeeding week 2024

World breastfeeding week is celebrated annually from 1st to 7 th August.
Theme for this year is “ closing the gap: breastfeeding support for all”. This states that to raise awareness about breastfeeding and its advantages and to strengthen the capacity of health care workers that protects, promote and support breastfeeding across different levels of society.
WBW is organised by the world alliance for breastfeeding action(WABA) and supported by WHO, UNICEF and many ministries of health and civil society organisations.

Following ways to successful breastfeeding:
* Antenatal counseling and sensitization about breastfeeding in last trimester
* Involve gynecologist, pediatricians, lactation consultant and family members for 1000 days of your motherhood journey.
* Liquid gold(colostrum) to be given soon after delivery. Gives protection, immunity and first vaccination to your tiny feet’s.
* Semi demand and frequent trials of breastfeeding for better hormonal stimulation.
* Correct attachment to breast and better positioning of baby is a key to successful breastfeeding.
* Believe in yourself and breastmilk changes its properties according to baby’s increased demands.
* Life can be easier when you breastfeed, as it created a very good bond and unconditional love to your baby.
* Breastfeeding will reduce hospitalization and keep your baby healthy and active
* Breastfeeding will improve your baby’s IQ if you feed exclusively for 6 months and continues breastfeeding up to 2 years with introducing solid food at correct age.
* Involve husband and family members in the baby care, and yes you are always there to nourish your baby.
*  Always keep some time for your own self like yoga, meditation which will keep you happy, relax and motivated.
* See your baby’s hunger signs, follow your baby’s lead, make sure baby sleeps close to you.
* Look for 6 minimum wet diapers, comfort sleeping, activity, on demand feeding to boost your confidence of motherhood.
* Avoid nipple confusion by introducing bottles, pacifiers, fancy object as baby loses interest in breastfeeding, will invite unnecessary infections.
* Do follow up with your pediatrician to see how your baby is achieving milestones.
* In case of any need or help contact lactation counselors.


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