Navi Mumbai Couple Sets Example of Commitment to Health and Marriage with Joint Knee Replacement Surgery
~Husband and Wife Successfully Undergone Joint Knee Replacement Surgery at same place And Same Day~ 40% of individuals above the age of 60 suffer from knee pain: Dr Makhija Recently, a married couple from Navi Mumbai has

~Husband and Wife Successfully Undergone Joint Knee Replacement Surgery at same
place And Same Day~
40% of individuals above the age of 60 suffer from knee pain: Dr Makhija
Recently, a married couple from Navi Mumbai has set an example of commitment to their health and marriage by undergoing joint knee replacement surgery. The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Shah, has been married for over 50 years and underwent Knee Replacement surgery on the same day in order to continue walking without pain and discomfort.
Dr. Kunal Makhija, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Mumbai said “Knee Replacement is a widely accepted and effective treatment for arthritis-induced severe knee pain. With advanced techniques such as Subvastus or Partial Knee Replacement, patients can experience a faster recovery time, and the surgery has become manageable for individuals of different ages, weights, and those with co-existing conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart-related issues. Mr. Vasant Bhai (77) and Mrs. Kailash Ben Shah (68) from Panvel had been suffering from osteoarthritis-induced severe knee pain, which had greatly impacted their quality of life. They were unable to participate in social events or visit the temple without taking painkillers.”
According to Dr. Kunal Makhija, 40% of individuals above the age of 60 suffer from knee pain. To cope with their daily routine, pop painkillers that can negatively impact the kidneys and result in irreversible damage. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such medication.
“After years of joint pain and discomfort, Mr. and Mrs. Shah have finally undergone Successful knee replacement surgeries. The husband and wife had been suffering from osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that caused severe pain in their knees, making it difficult for them to walk or engage in everyday activities. However, after successful surgeries of both the knees, the couple has recovered and is back on their feet,” added Dr Makhija.
He explained that knee replacement surgery can significantly improve patients n#39; quality of life by alleviating pain and restoring mobility. This was certainly true for the couple who had been struggling with arthritis for years. Now they have recovered and are walking without pain.
Patient Mr Vasant Shah said, “Our knee pain was unbearable. I was having knee pain since 20 years. The pain intensified and I couldn’t walk properly during the Covid pandemic. We couldn’t even stand or sit for a longer time. We were not able to enjoy our life and were not able to attend functions or visit temples without taking painkillers or doing our daily activities with ease. But, we were there for each other through thick and thin. I underwent surgery and walked the next day, we were discharged on the 4 th day of the surgery. I am completely fine now and can walk with ease. We go together for morning and evening walks. We will be travelling to the US soon to meet my son. But, this wouldn’t have been possible without surgery. I am forever indebted to Dr Kunal.”
Patient Mrs. Kailashben Shah said, “I had knee pain for since 15 years and would walk home and avoid venturing out of the house. I would do everything by myself at home but there was tremendous knee pain. I started walking the next day after the surgery. Now, I can climb stairs too. We thank Dr Makhija for helping us get rid of the knee pain by using the novel technique and moving freely again.”
“This couple’s experience can serve as an inspiration for others to prioritize their health together, benefiting not only their physical but also emotional well-being. Mr. Shah hopes that people around them will realize the importance of taking care of each other 's health,” concluded Dr Kunal Makhija.