Saving #PreciousTime: A Walkathon for Stroke Awareness by Global Hospitals, Parel
On World Stroke Day, Global Hospitals, Parel, organized a Walkathon to highlight the importance of saving #PreciousTime and acting fast to get treatment in the Golden Hour. Mumbai: According to the Indian Global Burden of Disease

On World Stroke Day, Global Hospitals, Parel, organized a Walkathon to highlight the importance of saving #PreciousTime and acting fast to get treatment in the Golden Hour.
Mumbai: According to the Indian Global Burden of Disease Study 1990-2019 estimate, Stroke was the leading cause of deaths caused by neurological disorders in India. On World Stroke Day, Global Hospitals, Parel organized a Walkathon to create awareness about Stroke and importance of seeking treatment in Golden Hour on 29th October, Saturday at Marines drive starting from opposite Air India till NCPA in the morning.
A dabbawalla challenge was organized to make people more aware about stroke. This challenge shows that if a person loses his dominant hand due to paralysis/stroke, how difficult life can be. People losing their dominant hand may find it very difficult to open a tiffin box and do their other routine work. We wish to spread awareness so we urge people to take this dabbawalla challenge, pretending that your dominant hand is paralyzed completely and try to open the regular dabba(lunch box). Dr. Shirish Hastak urged people to shoot a video of dabbawalla challenge done by yourselves and upload it on your social media with hastag #Knowstrokefornostroke and challenge others to do it, and spread awareness to save people from crippling disability.
Emphasizing the need of leading a healthy lifestyle to prevent stroke and also act in a timely manner to seek treatment for stroke, the walkathon witnessed the participation of around 100 walkers from the local walking groups, staff, recovered stroke patients, citizens, prominent doctors namely – Dr. Pankaj Agarwal, Dr. Nitin Dange and Dr. Shirish Hastak, and Dr Pawan Agarwal – Global Motivational speaker, who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Shirish Hastak, Director of Neurology, Stroke and Neocritical Care of Global Hospitals, Parel said The risk of disability or even death is increased when symptoms are not detected and treated timely, especially in cases of acute ischemic stroke. It is a medical emergency and patient should get treatment as soon as possible because Time is Brain. BE FAST acronym helps identify persons having an acute stroke who may present with following symptoms
•B: Loss of Balance
•E: Loss of vision in one or both Eyes
•F: One side of the Face is drooping
•A: Feeling of weakness or numbness in one of the Arms
•S: Slurring of Speech
•T: Time to call the emergency services and get emergency care at the earliest
If the patient reaches hospital early, stroke may be effectively treated. Prompt treatment can help to prevent paralysis and further damage to brain and improve the chances of patient recovery. There are two time windows in acute ischemic stroke the 4.5 hours Intravenous clot bursting drug window and less commonly a mechanical clot retrieval window of 24hour says Dr. Shirish Hastak neurologist.
Explaining the importance of Golden Hour, Dr Pankaj Agarwal – Sr. Consultant Neurology, Head – Movement Disorders Clinic and Incharge Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) program “Stroke is one of the most important causes of death and severe functional disability. Early or Immediate treatment may minimize the long-term effects of a stroke and even prevent death or permanent disability. Our goal in doing the walkathon was to increase awareness amongst the public to seek early treatment at a nearby tertiary care center to prevent permanent disability as Strokes are treatable.”
Dr Nitin Dange, Incharge – Interventional Stroke Unit & Consultant Neuro Surgery emphasized further, ” In cases of large / major Stroke ( LVO) one requires NeuroRadiological intervention in form of Mechanical thrombectomy or clot retrieval to restart the circulation of blood in the brain. These are specialized procedures done which require cathlab support and hence patients should always be taken to well-equipped centres to get timely treatment. Also, for such procedures the golden window period is extended in select patients *up to* 24 hrs from onset of first symptom which can be beneficial to offer treatment during this period and large population can be get treated with this technique and prevent disability and deaths too”