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The event was flagged off in the presence of Mr Sourabh Kanti Mandal, COO, Abdur Razzaque Ansari Cancer Hospital, Ranchi HCG, one of India’s largest cancer care networks, in celebration of World Cancer Day, organized a Pickleball Tournament for cancer survivors and their families. The


Dr. Srigopal Mohanty, Medical Oncology, HCG Panda Cancer Hospital, Cuttack When you are first diagnosed with breast cancer; become so much of stressed, anxious, apprehensive. However, the journey doesn't end with the diagnosis itself—it's only the beginning of a path that involves treatment, coping, and rebuilding


In a ground-breaking study, a team of doctors from HCG Cancer Hospital, Bengaluru led by Dr. Gururaj Arakeri Dr. Vishal Rao US, Dr Shekhar Patil and team has discovered a potential new cause for Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF), a pre-cancerous condition that results in the


According to Global Youth Tobacco Survey-4,  38% of cigarette, 47% of bidi smokers and 52% of smokeless tobacco users in India initiated use before their 10th birthday. On World No Tobacco Day, Apex Cancer Hospital, Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), in collaboration with Bollywood’s music composer duo Salim-Sulaiman  launched a new musical


Dr. Rajeev Sharan- Senior Consultant and HOD, Head & Neck Surgical Oncology and Thyroid Surgery, HCG EKO Cancer Hospital, Kolkata Oral cancer, ranked among the top three common types of cancers in India, is a serious problem that continues to witness a rise amongst men, women