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Women diagnosed with conditions such as fibroids, benign tumours, or gynaecological cancers often hesitate to seek treatment due to fear of surgery disrupting their lives With improved precision, minimal scarring, reduced pain, and significantly shorter recovery times, advanced surgical technologies have the potential to


Authored by Dr. Mitesh Khunt, Consultant Oncosurgeon, HCG Hospitals, Rajkot Women’s health is uniquely vulnerable to infections due to biological, hormonal, and societal factors. The anatomy of the female reproductive system provides a more conducive environment for certain pathogens to thrive, making women more prone to


HCG Cancer Centre Nagpur has launched a mobile cancer screening vehicle to bring life-saving cancer detection services directly to the community. The vehicle was officially flagged off by Ms. Vijayalakshmi Bidari, IAS, the Divisional Commissioner of Nagpur, in a ceremony attended by eminent health professionals


Dr. Satish Nair is a highly acclaimed ENT and Head Neck Oncosurgeon who has recently joined Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, Bengaluru. With over 3 decades of experience across premier national institutes, Dr. Nair’s areas of expertise include minimally invasive ENT and Head & Neck


The distressed 63-year-old patient presented at Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road with symptoms such as persistent nasal blockage due to the diagnosis of Pituitary adenomas (benign tumors of the pituitary gland) Mumbai: A team headed by Dr. Ashwin Borkar Consultant Neurosurgeon & Dr. Chandraveer Singh, Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist and Head


Dr Anil Heroor, Oncosurgeon & Shri. Dr Shrikant Eknath Shinde, Inaugurated Mobile    Mammography Van For Breast Cancer Screening   In a significant move towards enhancing cancer care in Mumbai Oncosurgeon Dr. Anil Heroor and Shri Dr. Shrikant Eknath Shinde, Member Of Parliament inaugurated the state-of-the-art facility the “Onco


The patient was detected with Facial Nerve Schwannomas (FNSs)which is a rare benign tumour arising from the Schwann cells of the sheath of the facial nerve. The patient was unable to close her eyes, form wrinkles while smiling, blow or whistle In a rare feat, a team


A team led by Dr. ChandraVeer Singh, Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist, and Head & Neck OncoSurgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road successfully managed a 25-year-old lady with Sensorineural hearing loss. The patient has regained her hearing after undergoing PRP from Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road. Patient Dr Gupta, a resident of