World moving towards an explosive myopia crisis Body functions as a connected system - eye health is linked to liver, heart health and the kidney All children should have a routine BP check once a year to check kidney health; Dispels the myth
blood pressureChairpersonchildrenCOVID-19 pandemicdoctorsDr. (Brig) Vijay MathurDr. Anuj MehtaDr. D. BhowmikDr. Kirti SinghDr. Sanjeev BagaiGuru Nanak Eye CentreheartHeart HealthhighlightedkidneyliverMaulana Azad Medical CollegeMedicalMentalMinistry of Health and Family WelfareMr. Anil RajputOphthalmologyPadma Shri DrphysicalSafdarjung HospitalSharp Sight Eye HospitalsSir Ganga Ram Hospitalwell-being