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The percentage of fungal infections has gone up this year. Tinea (ringworm) of the groins, face, and scalp, Athlete foot types of fungal infections were commonly seen in men and women Resistant fungal infections that are resistant to treatment with standard antifungal treatments Given the escalating cases of


Nearly 50% would require hospitalisation & a staggering 20% would undergo an amputation December 2021: India is known as the Diabetes capital of the world. Of the estimated 77 million diabetics in the country, 25% are expected to develop diabetic foot ulcers during their lifetime. Amongst


Researchers have identified an anti-viral gene that impacts the risk of both Alzheimer's disease and severe Covid-19. A team from the University College London (UCL) estimated that one genetic variant of the OAS1 gene increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease by about 3-6 per cent in