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The emergence of super-specialty centers as standalone entities has been a significant shift in the healthcare landscape in recent years. This trend reflects the growing demand for advanced, specialized medical care and the desire to provide high-quality, focused treatment in specific medical disciplines. Here are


Gleneagles Healthcare India is pleased to announce the appointment of its CEO, Mr Anurag Yadav, as the new Chairman of the Board for Gleneagles Hospital Parel, Mumbai, (Gleneagles Hospital, Super-Specialty and Transplant Centre, Mumbai) one of the six hospitals under its network in India. In his


 MrMed, a leading online super-specialty pharmacy, announced funding of $500,000 from Tamil Nadu Emerging Sector Seed Fund (TNESSF), managed by Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Fund Management Corporation Limited. The seed fund, initiated by the Government of Tamil Nadu, seeks to empower startups and ventures in emerging


Surgeons at Sarvodaya Hospital, Sector-8, Faridabad, have conducted North India’s first surgical procedure called Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion at L5S1 (OLIF51) to cure the elderly man of age-related spinal curvature and narrowing of spinal canal Since the last two years, Kanhaiya Lal, a 63-year-old man from


Doctors at Amor Hospitals, a leading multi-super specialty and cancer care facility in the city today announced that they have salvaged right leg of a road traffic accident victim, who earlier underwent 25 surgical procedures which failed. Before arriving at Amor Hospitals, the victim was