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Dr. Brajmohan Singh, Consultant - Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, HCG Hospital, Bhavnagar Air pollution refers to the pollutants in the air that can damage one’s health when breathed in. These could be gases or small particles known as suspended particulate matter (SPM). The most common harmful


The human body is constantly working. We go through motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes itself. Sleep is the time when the body is able to repair and recover from all the work we do


Dr Siddhant Jain, Director, Cardiac Sciences & Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Shalby Hospitals Indore The human body is constantly working. We go through motions of things throughout the day. It is while we sleep is when our body replenishes itself. Sleep is the time when the body is able