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A patient, aged 30 and residing in Pune, with a rare and challenging blood vessel disorder in the right ear has undergone a groundbreaking treatment at Sahyadri Hospitals, Hadapsar. The complex case involved multiple interventions over the course of more than a year, culminating in


Dr Sandhya Mishra, Consultant - Reproductive Medicine, Milann Fertility Center, Bengaluru If your pregnancy is healthy and typical, then it is safe to continue being active during your pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or premature delivery is not increased by regular physical activity.


Psychological stress has emerged as the leading cause of hypertension in India, with cases of stress-induced high blood pressure doubling over the last 10 years, doctors of Sarvodaya Hospital, Sector-8, Faridabad, have said. “Hypertension has become a very common problem in recent years due to day-to-day


The journal Carcinogenesis, in the UK, just published a study that identifies more evidence to show that cancer patients who consumed peanuts regularly were likely to suffer metastasis. Researchers from the University of Liverpool demonstrated that peanut agglutinin, a carbohydrate binding protein, comes into the bloodstream