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Dr Aditya Gupta, Director, Neurosurgery and Cyberknife Centre, Artemis Hospital The occurrence of brain tumors in India is steadily rising. More and more cases of brain tumors are reported each year in our country among people of varied age groups. In 2020, brain tumor was ranked as the


Dr Aditya Gupta, Director of Neurosurgery and Cyberknife, Artemis Hospital, Gurugram   Radiosurgery is an advanced non-invasive and high-precision medical procedure that uses a focused beam of radiation to treat tumors and other medical conditions. It is a very special form of radiation therapy which delivers


Acoustic neuromas can now be easily treated with Advanced Cyberknife Radiation therapy   Dr Aditya Gupta, Director, Neurosurgery and Cyberknife Centre, Artemis Hospital   Acoustic Neuroma which is also known as vestibular schwannoma, is a benign tumour which is non cancerous and usually grows slow. It develops on the hearing