Every year, 100,000 people die from DVT in the U.S. Walk organized by KIMS Hospital at Necklace Road Blood clots in veins can pose a severe health risk, but daily walking can help prevent them, said Dr. Bollineni Bhaskar Rao, CMD of KIMS Group of Hospitals. To
blood clotsblood flowblood testsdiagnoseddiagnosisdoctorsDr RaoDr. Bollineni Bhaskar RaoDr. Francis SridharDr. JagadesshDr. NagendraparvathaneniDr. Narendranath MedaEducationHealthhearthighlightedKIMS Group of HospitalsKIMS HospitallifestyleOncologistpregnancyPublic HealthSurgeonsurgeriesSurgerysurgicalvenography