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Diabetes Causes Sexual Health Problems In Men and Women Diabetes results in high blood sugar levels. Insufficient insulin production by the pancreas or ineffective utilization of the produced insulin can lead to diabetes. Prolonged elevated sugar levels in the body can lead to insulin resistance and


Paediatric interventions stand as cornerstones for ensuring the future of our society. Healthy children not only form the bedrock of a thriving community but also represent the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Early interventions, ranging from routine check-ups to preventive care and specialized treatments, are


Diabetes or diabetes is one of the various diseases caused by a changed lifestyle. Diabetes affects various organs of the body like the heart and eyes. Also, diabetes impairs kidney function. 80 percent of patients with kidney disease have a history of diabetes. The final


Do you have hypertension or are you obese? Well, these are the risk factors of flat feet, a common problem that can steal one’s peace of mind. In the below article, we explain to you the further consequences of having a flat foot. Having flat feet


Offers services across emergency, in-patient, post-surgery and home care; making it the largest remote healthcare monitoring player   Apollo’s Enhanced Connected Care programme reduced nurse’s time spent on monitoring by 1 hour per nurse per shift, reduced readmissions to ICU by 30%, and reduced sudden deterioration


MitraClip procedure with double clip performed for the first time in Telugu states A team of Cardiologist at Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, led by Dr Ranga Reddy, a renowned interventional cardiologist specialising on structural heart disease, introduced a ground-breaking procedure, the MitraClip procedure without surgery,


Redefines pediatric healthcare with a dedicated, state-of-the-art pediatrics arm for childcare Comprehensive care for children across primary to quaternary care with the best clinical outcomes 400+ specialised pediatricians to provide 25+ specialised pediatric care spread across 40+ hospitals Advanced treatment facility for Pediatric and Neonatal


Surpasses over 1000 colorectal robotic surgeries, maximum till date in the country   Readmission rates of less than 1.9% compared to global standard of 21.4% reflects the quality of surgery and care delivered at Apollo Apollo’s advanced robotic colorectal cancer surgeries see, 40% patients coming from


Apollo unveils its annual report - Health of the Nation 2023 – highlighting the prevalence and growth of NCDs in India Finds an increase in prevalence of early risk factors like Obesity and Dyslipidemia by 50% and 18% respectively between 2019 and 2022 ‘MIND


Apollo unveils its annual report - Health of the Nation 2023 – highlighting the prevalence and growth of NCDs in India Finds an increase in prevalence of early risk factors like Obesity and Dislipidemia by 50% and 18% respectively between 2019 and 2022 ‘MIND HEALTH’ and Sleep emerge as a major unrecognized contributor to NCDs Apollo also enhances ProHealth, a 100% doctor curated and AI-backed health program that captures one’s health