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Dr. Sanjay Bhat, Sr. Consultant - Interventional Cardiology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore Angina, also known as angina pectoris, refers to chest pain or discomfort resulting from reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. It is a symptom of an underlying heart problem, usually coronary artery disease


As many as 60% of people presenting to emergency departments around the world with heart attack symptoms could be safely sent home, many at earlier stages, with the support of a new high-sensitivity cardiac troponin test, researchers in the US have found. The assay from


As many as 60% of people presenting to emergency departments around the world with heart attack symptoms could be safely sent home, many at earlier stages, with the support of a new high-sensitivity cardiac troponin test, researchers in the US have found. The assay from


uthored by Dr. G Dimpu Edwin Jonathan, Consultant - Interventional Cardiologist, Aster RV Hospital Heart failure refers to any situation where the heart is unable to adequately pump blood to the rest of the body. Even though heart failure sounds much like a stroke or heart