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Special Bedwetting Clinic at KIMS Cuddles for Affected Kids Extensive Discussion on Pediatric Nephrology & Urology Issues CME on Pediatric Nephrology at KIMS Hospital Over 250 Doctors from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka Attended Medical experts have emphasized that pediatric nephrology and urology problems should not be neglected. Parents


Dr. M S Somanna, Senior Consultant – Joint Replacement & Arthroscopic Surgery Calcium is an essential mineral for strong bones, teeth, and overall health. It plays a crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and heart health. However, with increasing concerns about osteoporosis and bone-related issues,


Dr. Akila-V- Nephrologist-Aster CMI Hospital-Bangalore. Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard deposits formed from minerals and salts that crystallize in the kidneys. Affecting millions worldwide, these stones can cause severe pain and discomfort. The Formation of Kidney Stones Kidney stones form when urine becomes concentrated,


- Two stones in the right kidney, two in the left - A rare condition affecting only 10 in 100,000 children - First case of its kind reported in Andhra Pradesh - Urine blocked due to large stones - Stones removed using endoscopic procedure by Kurnool KIMS doctors Pediatric organs,


In a groundbreaking medical achievement, the team of expert urologists at the Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, has successfully removed 418 kidney stones from a patient with only 27% kidney function. This remarkable feat was accomplished through a minimally invasive procedure,


AINU Secunderabad Restores Normalcy after Improper Antibiotic Use Sparks Crisis In a cautionary tale, patient father's GOOD WILL to treat his daughter's illness using internet knowledge led to a serious health crisis. Incomplete antibiotic courses resulted in a severe kidney infection and the formation of stone-like


Revolutionary PCNL Technique Remove Kidney Stones with Ease With the focus on improving health-care delivery and patient outcomes Dr Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director Apollo Hospitals group, Dr Chanchal Pal- Organising chairperson and Dr SK Pal-Urologist at Apollo Spectra Hospital Inaugurated “PERCON 2022” a 9th International