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  Dr. Gaurav Thukral, COO, HCAH India Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It falls under the umbrella of dementia, a term used to describe a range of cognitive impairments that interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's can strike at any


Dr. M. Jayasree Consultant Neurologist KIMS Hospitals, Sec-bad. World Alzheimer’s Day takes place during World Alzheimer’s Month and is on 21 September every year. As per World Alzheimer Report 2019, many people still wrongly believe that dementia is a part of normal ageing. This alone highlights how


Government urged to initiate advertising drives against vaping on public platforms: say experts   In its ongoing effort to decode the issue of escalating addiction among adolescents and to recommend effective solutions, Think Change Forum (TCF), an independent think tank dedicated to generating new ideas has launched


-By Dr. Richa Jagtap, Co-Medical Director, ART Fertility Clinics, India Introduction: Infertility is a complex and emotionally challenging issue affecting millions of couples worldwide. When a couple has trouble conceiving after a year of regular unprotected intercourse, they are considered to be facing infertility. Both men and


The NTQLS data based on the calls received, reveals that the maximum tobacco quitters are from UP   While celebrating World No Tobacco Day to spread awareness around tobacco control, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute (VPCI) brought to notice the spectacular work done by National Tobacco Quitline Service


Infertility is on a steady rise in India due to various factors like delayed parenthood, smoking, consumption of junk foods, lack of exercise, PCOS, alcohol consumption, pollution, etc. Though more than 27 million face infertility issues in India only 3% of them consult a fertility


  Dr Omkar Sadigale,  Orthopedic Surgeon SRV Hospital Mumbai   It will be imperative for each and every individual to maintain a good bone-mineral density after turning 40. Did you know? A well-balanced diet, supplementation, regular exercise, and kicking-off unhealthy lifestyle habits are all essential for good bone health. Read


Pancreas is a gland which is located behind the stomach in the upper abdomen and secretes digestive enzymes and hormones (including insulin–which regulates blood sugars). Alcohol consumption, smokingand gall stones are the major reasons for a rise in number of cases of pancreatic diseases among young working professionals as well. Acute pancreatitis,