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Dr Sandhya Mishra, Consultant - Reproductive Medicine, Milann Fertility Center, Bengaluru If your pregnancy is healthy and typical, then it is safe to continue being active during your pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or premature delivery is not increased by regular physical activity.


Dr A Satya Srinivas, Consultant - Medical Oncologist, HCG Curie City Cancer Center, Vijayawada When it comes to colon cancer, lifestyle decisions can make a significant difference. Although genetics and age are beyond our control, we can take charge of our diet and nutrition to substantially


(Dr. Sowparnika S N, Consultant - Reproductive Medicine, Milann Fertility Center, Bengaluru) Keeping one's physical and mental health in check is crucial in the fast-paced world we live in. Infertility is among the health problems that are on the rise due to modern lifestyles, which are defined


Diabetes or diabetes is one of the various diseases caused by a changed lifestyle. Diabetes affects various organs of the body like the heart and eyes. Also, diabetes impairs kidney function. 80 percent of patients with kidney disease have a history of diabetes. The final


Researchers at University of Bath in association with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Obesity and Pediatric Specialist Groups found a way to overcome the challenge of finding the right time and best way to talk to children about their weight. A lot of parents are


~ Co-authored by Dr Asmita Mahajan, Consultant Neonatologist & Pediatrician, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim & Dr Gurudutt Bhat, Consultant-Paediatrician, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan ~ Did you know that COVID19 may up the risk of Diabetes in children? Recently, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers reported


~Authored by Dr Zakia Khan, Senior Consultant-Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan ~ Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and especially, heart failure is one of the major cause of mortality in India. According to the Global Burden of Disease, nearly a quarter (24.85) of all deaths in India is