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Ms. Shivani Sharma, Dietitian / Clinical Nutritionist, Milann Fertility Hospital, Bengaluru) Fasting have been in practice for centuries, whether for religious, spiritual, or health reasons. It is widely recognized for its metabolic and health benefits, but Ramadan fasting and Intermittent Fasting (IF) differ in keyways. Intermittent Fasting


After 15 years of marriage, Mrs. Shivani (Name Changed), 41, showed signs of inadequate ovarian reserve, secondary infertility, and advanced maternal age with husband having Teratozoospermia, a male factor that causes infertility. After that, she preferred Milann Fertility Hospital in Bengaluru for further medical care


Dr. Sabia Mangat, Consultant - Gynaecologist, Reproductive Medicine and IVF, Milann Fertility Hospital, Chandigarh Nearly 1 in 7 couples are unable to conceive even after frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a period of one year or longer. In upto half of these couples, male factor is